Free SEM Online Course Classes Start November 1, February 1, May 1, and August 1
Just for you—a free on-line course that provides an in-depth, comprehensive overview of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM). This overview provides the resources and the support that you need to implement the SEM in this new school year, whether that be 'in class," remotely, or a combination of both. It will help you stimulate your students' interests and provide opportunities for them to express themselves in ways they will enjoy and allow them to achieve at high levels.
In addition, this on-line overview of the SEM includes resources you can share with colleagues. Please use it to help with your implementation of the SEM, either on your own as you prepare for the school year or to introduce SEM at an on-line staff or department meeting. The SEM on-line class includes seven easy to follow modules and teachers who finish it earn a certificate of completion on the SEM.
- Module 1: Overview of The Schoolwide Enrichment Model
- Module 2: Comprehensive Strength Based Activities
- Module 3: The Enrichment Triad Model
- Module 4: Curriculum Compacting
- Module 5: Enrichment Clusters
- Module 6: Enrichment Infusion
- Module 7: Renzulli Learning
Each Module provides:
- Topics that will be covered within the Module,
- The objectives of each Module, and
- Learning activities in which to engage to achieve the objectives.
In addition, you will receive YouTube video tutorials on:
- The Enrichment Triad by Sally Reis
- "A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships" by Joe Renzulli
- "One Special Teacher" by Joe Renzulli
- Curriculum Compacting by Sally Reis
- Enrichment Clusters by Sally Reis
- Enrichment Infusion by Joe Renzulli
- Renzulli Learning by Sally Reis
We hope that you can take use this on-line free overview of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. Please stay healthy and well and know that we are thinking of you during this challenging time in our schools and country.

Sally M. Reis

Joseph S. Renzulli
How much of my time will this course take?
We estimate you will need at least 10-12 hours to complete this course. An optional project is included which will require additional time if you decide it will be helpful for you to complete it.
Does the course have set meeting times?
No, the course is self-paced. You can work through each module at your own pace and during a time that works for you.
How long is the course?
You have 8 weeks from the start of the course to complete the modules. You will receive a certificate of completion after you complete the final quiz.
How do I access my certificate of completion?
Once you have completed all 7 modules and the confirmation of completion (found in module 7) a link to your certificate will be visible on your course dashboard under Completed Courses. Click this link to download your certificate.
Will I be able to implement the SEM in my school or classroom after completing this course?
The SEM courses are clear-cut and have a follow through that is meant for either a teacher in their classroom or a coordinator. They are implemented, based on the proven SEM tools to implement this approach in your own classroom or school. You can work on your own, or with a small team of educators for support, collaboration, and the opportunity to brainstorm questions and new ideas. If you are working on your own, we have additional resources that will help you get started. If you have questions or need additional support contact, .
Click Here to Register
Registration will open 1-3 days prior to the start date of the course.